5 Week Writing Workshop
Lee Hall Delfausse
Mary Kathleen Mehuron
Sept. 26- Oct. 31st
Tuesdays 4-5 pm
(no class Oct. 10th)
(proceeds go to MRVArts)
Scholarships are available
Artist Development
Re-Frame your Creative Practice
Artist/ Art Educator/Art mentor: Sam Talbot-Kelly
Free consultation, donation appreciated.
Time to re-examine your creative practice? Is 2023 the year to take a risk and push towards what you always wanted to do? It's time to get clear and make it happen. This consultation kickstarts a fresh perspective on what your artistic inquiry and process is about. MRVA wants to see you reach your goals! Bring a journal!
REGISTER: Make an appointment below or at office- 5031 Main Street, #2 Village Square,Waitsfield
Wed-Saturday, 1-5pm or call 802-496-6682 * leave a message
Email: info@madrivervalleyarts.org
Phone: (802) 496-6682
Street and Mailing Address: 5031 Main Street, #2 Village Square, Waitsfield, VT 05673
Email: info@madrivervalleyarts.org
Contact us at 802-496-6682
5031 Main St, Unit 2, Waitsfield, VT 05673
Mad Arts values the social responsibility of linking art to people; together across boundaries, to balance voices and open multiple perspectives. We operate with the understanding that art supports the agency to create story, a sense of belonging, and is a means to synchronize ourselves with the natural world.
Mad River Valley Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved.