November 7- December 19
September 5- October 31
Summer Pop Up
July 1- August 15
Artist: Jason Galligan-Baldwin- Art2D2 Industries
May 2 - June 27, 2024
Image: Somnmagratory Studio, Dominique Gustin -Fleurnimbus…
When the World Went Dreaming, 2023
Contemporary digital collage, mixed-media, encaustic
Trees, Our Botanical Giants
March 7-April 26, 2024
Image: Julie Comnick, Uproot III, Charcoal on paper, 2023
John Anderson
"What's the Big Idea?"
January 11- February 29, 2024
Image: John Anderson, Scribble Drawing, 2019
Vermont Abenaki Artist Association
Oct. 21- January 6, 2024
Open: Tues-Saturday
Exhibit Sponsored
Sugarbush Resort
Art Education program included
Free; children are welcome
The 33rd Annual
Green Mountain Photo Show
Sept. 10-Oct. 8
Reception: Sept. 10, 5-7pm.
Open: Thurs/Fri: 4-9pm, Sat/Sun: 12-9pm
Free, donations are welcome
Children are welcome.
Curated by Pam Lerner and Julie Parker
Exhibition manager: Gail Curtain
Image: Ann L Moore, Tattooed Chin Woman, Myanmar
Design Made Visible
Ceramics, Wood, Textiles and Glass
May 3-June 22, 2023
Reception: May 4, 5-7pm
October 21- December 16
Curated by The Vermont Watercolor Society
Thirty outstanding watercolor paintings are featured, reflecting diverse styles and techniques popular with contemporary watercolor artists. This appealing show has styles from abstract design to photo realism.
Selection of Awards Vermont Watercolor Society
BEST IN SHOW: 1827148- Red/white & Blue
Judith Selin
"Less is More", says everything. A few strong elements, placed carefully, creates a powerful painting. Bold strokes, good shapes and great utilization of the white of the paper, makes this a winner.
FIRST PLACE: 1825364- Two Silos Farm Summer
Terry Boyle
The artist captured the stillness of the summer countryside. You can almost feel the little breeze. Picture is well organized and competently handled.
SECOND PLACE: 1826990- Late Summer Farm
Joey Bibeau
Strong eye-catching element of red siding. Good suggestions of textures. Clean colors and nice handling of watercolor.
THIRD PLACE: 1827422- Entrance to Pike Hill Copper Mine in Winter
Thomas Leytham
This has a strong graphic attraction. It pulls you into the painting. Good variety of shapes, colors are clean and flow nicely together, creating a beautiful picture.
LANDSCAPE: 1827501- Vernal pool Reflection
Walter Cudnohufsky
Soft light, lovely mood created using the washes in the background. Well handled.
BEST IN SHOW: 1827148- Red/white & Blue
Judith Selin
"Less is More", says everything. A few strong elements, placed carefully, creates a powerful painting. Bold strokes, good shapes and great utilization of the white of the paper, makes this a winner.
STILL LIFE: 1826403- Windsor Motel
Rob O'Brien
You can almost feel the cold winter day and the warmest the motel will bring. Very good use of the white of the paper in creating the mood.
ABSTRACT:182769- Interacting
Lisa Forster-Beach
Beautiful handling of color. The surface control is lively and pulsating.
FIGURATIVE: 1826111- Conversation
Sandra Pealer
Well-handled figures, especially the one in the front. Colors are clean, crisp and proportions of figures are good.
ANIMAL/WILDLIFE:1816954- Do These Glasses Make Me look Big
Jo Mackenzie
Brings a smile to one's face. A joy to look at. Loose, quick, spontaneous handling.
1827193-Looking Toward Mansfield
Susan Riley
Clean, well handling of colors and shapes. Artist knows their technique.
1821645- Elation
Nancy Stone
Wonderful surface manipulation and good rhythmic movement, colors
have picked up the movement too.
THE SELIN & SELIN AWARD: 1827031- Open
Terry Hodgdon
Good Control of washes and shapes.
MOOSEWALK STUDIOS AWARD: 1827707- Autumn Afterglow
Justina Freel
Light, airy and delicate. Well Handled.
Email: info@madrivervalleyarts.org
Phone: (802) 496-6682
Street and Mailing Address: 5031 Main Street, #2 Village Square, Waitsfield, VT 05673
Email: info@madrivervalleyarts.org
Contact us at 802-496-6682
5031 Main St, Unit 2, Waitsfield, VT 05673
Mad Arts values the social responsibility of linking art to people; together across boundaries, to balance voices and open multiple perspectives. We operate with the understanding that art supports the agency to create story, a sense of belonging, and is a means to synchronize ourselves with the natural world.
Mad River Valley Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved.